Friday, March 12, 2010

Discipline Plan

Classroom Discipline Plan:

1.    1. Be respectful
2.    2.  iPods must be turned off and put away when the bell rings.
3.    3. Please turn off your cell phones during class.
4.    4.  Be responsible - please bring all required materials to class, including SSR books, notebooks, etc…
5.    5.  Be sincere – please always give your best effort on all assignments.

1.   1.  Natural consequence- the class will not respect you if you do not respect the class.
2.   2.   Natural consequence- you will be distracted and not engaged in the learning process.
Logical consequence- I will take away your iPod, delete all of your music, and download Kenny G’s greatest hits.
3.    3.  Logical consequence- cell phones are a distraction, and they will be taken away.
4.   4.  Natural Consequence- if you do not bring necessary materials to class, then you cannot fully participate.
5.   5.   Logical consequence- you should always give your best effort, otherwise you are wasting your own time, as well as mine. 


  1. Amy, you make me laugh :) Threatening Kenny G will definitely be effective!!! I like that you point out that they are wasting their own time, maybe that will make them think about why they are there.

  2. Amy, I love the picture of kids in a cage. Maybe you can just show them that as a logical consequence? I like how you incorporated rules about technology. I didn't think to do so on mine, but now that I think of it, it is important to address! I also like how you selected 'Be Respectful' as your number one rule; I have the same rule, in the same place.

  3. Amy, I love your rules! I like how be respectful is number one on the list as well because I also think that is very important.

  4. I love the rules and the balance of logical and natural consequences. It is also great that you infused comedy with the rules :)

  5. No iPods or cell phones? Tisk tisk...
