Friday, March 12, 2010

Final, Final


  1. I love your enthusiasm and I am sure that your students will as well. Your crazy personality and some projects that the students look forward to completing will have students excited to come to your class everyday to see what crazy thing will happen next!!

  2. So you wouldn't go to me for information about history? Even if its about Arabs?

  3. I like your motivation to incorporate projects in your class, I want to be like that too! Also, I think that students need to know how to write, which is why I want to have students in my science classes writing more. Good thing you're in my PLC :)

  4. Amy, you're an excellent writer, and I think that your students will benefit from learning some of your techniques in writing. Also, I like how you emphasize relevant yet challenging curriculum. I agree. Students need texts that they can connect to, and although we may love them, books that are hundreds of years old may not catch many teenagers' attention.

  5. SBD Crew represent!!! I love the idea of including one writing assignment that appeals to every student. I think that every teacher should do that, no matter the subject matter. Nice job Champ!

  6. Catherine is a great choice but Im sad that I dont entertain you. That was my whole goal for the year was to entertain you and I failed. Just kidding. I like your thoughtfulness and enthusiasm. I can see that you are going to be a fun teacher that students are going to enjoy being in class with you. You truly are someone I can say i look forward to having as a colleague.
