Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reading Response 5: Getting to the Heart of Quality Teaching

This article looks at what is currently defined as a good teacher by the government, and what actually makes a good teacher. NCLB would define a good teacher along the lines of one that can raise test scores and improve a school's overall API and is fully credentialed. A true quality teacher is one that collaborates, has passion for the curriculum and the students, and is willing to work hard for her students. The article also discusses all the odds that teachers are up against (large classes, low-funding, little if any professional development, and pressure for better test scores) and how few supports are in place to help them. For example, the author cites that it would be perfectly reasonable for the unions to help provide professional development opportunities, so that teachers do not have to rely solely on the district.

I chose this article because I wanted to see what qualities would be defined as a those of a quality teacher. The article said a lot of things that have been said before, and though they are valid, the solutions suggested were not exactly fresh. I think the best advice the article provided was that teachers need to learn how to do as much as possible with limited resources. I was surprised to see that the article said unions should take more responsibility, and provide more support to teachers.

What sticks out to me most in the article is the idea of credentialing, and if it makes you qualified to teach or not. I really don't think it does. I have learned a great deal of strategies and theories in the credential program, but I dont know how much of it really translates to good teaching in the classroom. And I think there are plenty of people out there, particularly at private schools, who are not credentialed and would still make quality teachers. It a matter of what you've got on the inside and what kind of person you are, not what piece of paper has been issued to you.


  1. Sounds like an interesting article. We will just have to do the best we can with our limited resources! But at least we have each other to get help from!

  2. Seems so objectively subjective.
